amaansjunglebook 2024-05-03T15:57:40+01:00 amaansjunglebook 2024-05-03T15:57:40+01:00 2024-05-03T15:57:40+01:00 Gettysburg 1863 War Games Worthington Games

Vendor: Worthington Games
Type: War Games
Price: 109.99

GETTYSBURG 1863 is Volume IV in the Old School Wargames Civil War Brigade Battle series. The game allows gamers to refight the historic and pivotal battle of Gettysburg in 1863 using a large mounted map board, large pieces, and a streamlined set of series rules that is just 8 -12 pages long. The Battle Booklet will give you historical details, design, notes and 7 scenarios:

July 1 - Meeting Engagement
July 1 - Take That Hill (Can Ewell take Culp's Hill?)
July 2 - The Fight for the Flanks
July 2 - The Fight for Little Round Top
July 3 - Lee's Folly
July 4 - Should Meade Have Attacked?
July 1 - July 4 (the full battle)
The single day scenarios should take between 1 to 3 hours to play with the full battle taking 6 - 10 hours to play.

Special rules for early or late arrival of reinforcements, Follow up attacks, new terrain rules for multi level hex changes, a new rout rule, and more!

Game Scale:
Game Turn: 1 hour
Hex: 200-250 yards / 183-229 meters
Units: Infantry/Cavalry Brigades & Artillery Battalions

Game Inventory:
Two 22 x 34" full color mounted map boards (34x44" when combined for game play)
Five dual-side printed countersheets (540 3/4" counters - including 4 extra Tide of Battle counters intended for the earlier Antietam & Shiloh games)
Two 8-page Brigade series v1.4 rulebooks
Two 16-page Gettysburg playbooks
One Cavalry Battle Board Play Aid
Two Order of Battle Charts
Two Reinforcement/Casualty Charts
Two dual-side printed Combat & Terrain Charts
Two 10-sided dice
One Counter Tray

Solitaire Playability: High
Complexity Level: Medium
Players: 2 or more
Playing Time: 1-10 hours

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Worthington Games Default Title 109.99 WPUB090 2001 2024-04-29T14:41:48+01:00 2024-04-29T14:41:48+01:00 Rebel Fury: Six Battles from the Campaigns of Chancellorsville and Chickamauga War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 58.99

Rebel Fury, Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i #32. The Battles featured are Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Chancellorsville, and Fredericksburg (solitaire).

This design features a new system on Civil War combat akin to the old SPI Blue and Gray Quads. Each game in Rebel Fury is quick-set-up, quick-playing, and deeply interactive. The density of counters in each scenario is low, allowing you to see and experience the big picture of the battle.

Rebel Fury places you, the player, in the role of the Army Commander (Lee, Burnside, Hooker, Bragg, Rosecrans, Grant). You manoeuver your army to find the enemy’s flanks, concentrate your forces for an attack, and determine where to commit your artillery assets.

Units are portrayed at the Infantry/Cavalry division level. The Civil War Heritage Series game system features a new Zone of Influence/Zone of Control mechanic that controls unit formation (March/Battle) based on their proximity to your opponent. As your units close with the enemy, your forces naturally break into battle formation, where they then manoeuver the last distance to engage. Unlike most hex and counter wargames, this system allows you total freedom to move units in any order multiple times, unleashing the full range of historical tactics in a simple and clean format.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_GMT series_Civil War Heritage Default Title 58.99 GMT2322 980 2023-08-11T14:50:27+01:00 2023-08-11T14:50:27+01:00 On to Richmond II: The Union Strikes South War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 222.99

On to Richmond II: The Union Strikes South covers some of the most famous campaigns of the Civil War in a single module for the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. Two of the campaigns in this module have been revised, repackaged, and rebalanced for improved play; and the third is entirely new:

On To Richmond II (which covers the 1862 Richmond Campaign) has had the Basic Game scenarios rebalanced as needed and modifications made to the rules and victory conditions for the Advanced Game scenario.
Grant Takes Command II (which covers the 1864 Overland Campaign) has had the various basic and advanced game scenarios revised as needed.
The Petersburg Campaign (which covers the 1864-1865 Petersburg Campaign) is an entirely new module that covers the months of battles, mostly in the open field, that started when Grant marched across the James River in June 1864 and ended with the defeat of the Confederates at Five Forks in April 1865.

The four maps included are painted by original map artist Charlie Kibler and have been significantly revised to include all the latest GCACW terrain types including hills, swamps, dams, trails and landings. New map area has been added to cover the western portion of the Petersburg battles. The military unit counters have been redesigned by Charlie Kibler to harken back to the counters in the original games in the series but with a more modern graphical treatment.

Richmond & Petersburg Campaigns includes a massive collection of twenty-five Basic Game scenarios and seven Advanced Game campaigns, divided as shown between the three modules:

On To Richmond II includes one new Basic Game scenario, the seven original Basic Scenarios redesigned and rebalanced, and the original Advanced Game campaign scenario extensively revised.

Grant Takes Command II includes the eight original Basic Scenarios rebalanced as needed and the four original Advanced Game campaigns.

Note: the two grand campaigns require the Stonewall In The Valley maps which are not included.

The Petersburg Campaign includes nine Basic Game scenarios and two Advanced Game scenarios.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Multi-Man Publishing series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 222.99 MMPGCACWOTR2 3001 2023-03-30T15:47:28+01:00 2023-03-30T15:47:28+01:00 Fire on the Mountain: Battle of South Mountain September 14, 1862 War Games Legion Wargames

Vendor: Legion Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 53.99


During Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the North, Lee learned of a threatening Federal advance East of Hagerstown, Maryland. Because Stonewall Jackson was besieging Harper' Ferry, he instructed Daniel Harvey Hill to hold the South Mountain passes in the rugged Blue Ridge, just East of Boonsboro. It was essential to delay McClellan’s progress so Jackson would have time to take Harper's Ferry and reunite his scattered divisions before the Army of the Potomac caught him unprepared.

Despite strong defensive features the numerically superior Federal forces should have overwhelmed the rebels but the inaction of Pleasonton and Burnside squandered their advantage. In the end Lee's defense of the South Mountain passes cost him 2800 casualties as opposed to the Federal losses of 2300 and led directly to the fearful slaughter at Antietam.

Fire on the Mountain concentrates on the action around Turner's Gap and Fox Gap, emphasizing the difficulty of mountainous terrain and the seesaw nature of the battle into which reinforcements continue to trickle and the effects of officer casualties. The game uses simple mechanics to simulate movement, artillery, cavalry, leaders, and difficult terrain, with a unique combat system that allows the game to move quickly while still simulating the tense nature of the battle.

Availability_Available period_American Civil War players_Two publisher_Legion Wargames Default Title 53.99 600 2023-03-21T19:45:55+00:00 2023-03-21T19:45:55+00:00 The Skirmisher #3 War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 18.50

Skirmisher 3 is the third magazine in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series of games. Skirmisher 3 is centered around the module Atlanta Is Ours (AIO), so it is recommended that players should own this game to fully enjoy all the elements of Skirmisher 3.

Skirmisher 3 contains the following scenarios and articles:

“The Skirmish Line” which discusses upcoming GCACW plans and games.
A discussion of map improvements to the older modules On To Richmond and Grant Takes Command that are included in the forthcoming On To Richmond II release.
An initial update on the Vicksburg game design.
An article about the evolution of the Long Roads to Gettysburg grand campaign game by its creator.
A 20-page rule update to Atlanta Is Ours called “AIO Lite,” which simplifies out some of the details from the campaign game to streamline play.

Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_Multi-Man Publishing series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 18.50 MMPSKM03 120 2022-11-18T10:04:59+00:00 2022-11-18T10:04:59+00:00 Battles For the Shenandoah: A Death Valley Expansion War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 36.99

The Game: Battles for the Shenandoah: A Death Valley Expansion contains four battle games with multiple scenarios.
  • McDowell, May 8, 1862
  • 2nd Winchester, June 13, 14, and 15, 1863
  • Piedmont, June 5, 1864
  • Cool Spring, July 18, 1864

Experienced players will be able to play many of the scenarios in one sitting. The game reflects the development of the cavalry and the changes in infantry and artillery organization and tactics from 1862 through 1864.

TIME SCALE: Each Turn = 1 Hour
MAP SCALE: 145 Yards Per Hex with 25-Foot or 50-Foot Elevations
UNIT SCALE: 50 Men or 1 Cannon per Strength Point

560 counters
Two 17” x 22” double-sided maps
Two 11” x 17” double-sided maps
One 8 1/2” x 11” map
One Battle booklet
Eight Activation and Turn Record charts
One Terrain Effects Chart
One Range Effects Chart

The remaining components necessary for play can be found in GMT’s Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah. These include the Player Aid Cards, the 2nd Disorder Chart, the game markers, four maps, and a ten-sided die. The GBACW Series Rules can be found on the GMT website.

Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_GMT series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 36.99 GMT2209 470 2022-11-02T12:30:01+00:00 2022-11-02T12:30:01+00:00 A Most Fearful Sacrifice: The Three Days of Gettysburg War Games Flying Pig

Vendor: Flying Pig
Type: War Games
Price: 134.99

It's early on July 1st, 1863, and Union Brigadier General John Buford’s 1st Reserve Cavalry Division is deployed to the west of the town of Gettysburg battling unidentified Confederate infantry advancing on the town. All morning long, the men in gray have pressured the Union cavalry. Help finally arrives in the form of I Corps commander Major Gen. John Reynolds. He rides up to the Lutheran Seminary, where Buford is directing the battle from its cupola. Reynolds calls to Buford, "What goes, John?" The cavalryman simply points to the long lines of advancing Confederates and says, "The Devil's to pay!" Reynolds then asks, "Can you hold?", to which Buford responds, "I reckon I can." Reynolds ends the exchange with, “Let’s ride out and see all about it." And with that rather brief, mundane conversation began one of the most important and iconic military engagements in history – the Battle of Gettysburg.

A Most Fearful Sacrifice is an epic two-player wargame with over 15 square feet of playing area and 526 playing pieces depicting the fighting that occurred during all three days of this decisive clash. The game utilizes a new ACW operating system called the Black Swan system, which is closely related to the popular Blind Swords game system first introduced in the game The Devil’s To Pay! by Tiny Battle Publishing. This version of the system is specifically designed to handle larger-scale battles yet keep rules overhead low. Players can simulate huge encounters in a reasonable amount of playing time. This is accomplished in one way through the use of card draws rather than chit pulls. Also, players will trigger activations by Corps instead of by lower-level formations but they still have tactical decision-making choices by needing to determine which Divisions get activation priority. Though at a grander scale, this system maintains a tactical feel about it and still emphasizes the three “FOW’s” of war … the Fortunes of War, the Friction of War and the Fog of War. Players will be challenged to deal with a constantly developing battle situation, never quite sure of what the Gods of War will throw at them, and thus they must always be prepared to deal with historically realistic “black swan” events.

1 – Full color rulebook
1 – Full color scenario Book with THIRTEEN scenarios. Nine use one of the two maps, four use both.
2 – 30x41" full color mounted Game Maps (60x41" together)
4 - Sheets of a total of 352 13/16” (that's big) counters
1 – 5/8” counter sheet (176 counters) for the admin markers
90 - Cards to activate corps, initiate planned events, trigger unplanned events and create fog of war.
2 – Player Aids
2 – large, 11" x 17" Command Displays
6 – Dice (2 red, 2 black, 2 white)

Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_Flying Pig Default Title 134.99 FPG-2000 4070 2022-06-29T11:53:53+01:00 2022-06-29T11:53:53+01:00 US Civil War 1st print Update Kit War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 23.99

This item will update your 1st printing of The US Civil War with rules and charts that have been updated for the 2nd printing. specifically, this kit includes:


  • Basic Rulebook (36 pages)
  • Advanced Naval Rulebook (16 pages)
  • 2 (identical) Player Aid Cards (11x17")
  • 1 x Union Setup Card (8.5x11", 2-sided)
  • 1 x Confederate Setup Card (8.5x11", 2-sided) 
Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_GMT Default Title 23.99 GMT2206 1001 2022-04-07T17:27:04+01:00 2022-04-07T17:27:04+01:00 Into the Woods: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7,1862 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 55.00

Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh is the eighth installment of the Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) series, published by GMT Games.

The Great Battles of the American Civil War Series:
This series is one of the hobby’s longest-lived design concepts, springing from the legendary regimental level Gettysburg game – Terrible Swift Sword (SPI) – designed by Richard Berg in 1976. Under GMT, the rules system has remained stable, but has shown remarkable flexibility to allow each game to smoothly incorporate additional rules to reflect the historical battles. The series relies on interactive chit-pull mechanics to simulate the often chaotic nature of the 19th Century battlefield at the regimental level.


The Game:

Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh includes ten scenarios. They range from division level contests on half sized maps to two-map battles depicting both the first and second day of the struggle. Experienced players will be able to play many of the scenarios in one sitting. The game reflects the Confederate surprise, the "greenness" of many units on both sides, as well as the unique role Albert Sidney Johnston played in the Confederate attack.


TIME SCALE: Each Turn = 1 Hour

MAP SCALE: 110 Yards Per Hex with 20-Foot Elevations
UNIT SCALE: 50 Men or 1 Cannon per Strength Point
Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_GMT series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 55.00 GMT2124 1450 2022-01-14T16:48:35+00:00 2022-01-14T16:48:35+00:00 Mini Game Series - Hornet's Nest: Buying Time at Shiloh, 6 April 1862 War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 11.99

At dawn, the Confederates attacked Ulysses S. Grant’s Union army camp at Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee, near Shiloh Church. The inexperienced first line dissolved under the impact. The remnants, with reinforcements, took station covering the roads to the landing. The position became a magnet for both sides and was dubbed the “Hornet’s Nest” due to the volume of bullets. The Union line cracked after a bloody struggle, but too late for the Confederate’s purposes. A quicker Union collapse might have resulted in the capture of Grant’s entire army.

Hornet’s Nest uses the Musket & Saber QuickPlay system to portray battle in the American Civil War. Combat is based on unit quality over quantity, and rewards use of historical tactics. Infantry—tough and resilient—bears the brunt of battle. Artillery can smash attacks or open holes in enemy lines, but is vulnerable and brittle. All units are susceptible to rout when weakened, so reserves are a must. Leaders enhance unit capabilities. Special rules cover the rallying of Union remnants and the formation of a massive Confederate artillery battery.

Winning depends on careful deployment, balancing maneuver and attacks, and judicious use of leaders. ]]>
Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_Decision Games series_Mini Game Series Default Title 11.99 DCG1736 200 2021-11-19T17:09:55+00:00 2021-11-19T17:09:55+00:00 How the Union was Saved: the American Civil War 1861 - 1865 War Games Stratagemata

Vendor: Stratagemata
Type: War Games
Price: 59.99

"How the Union was Saved: the American Civil War 1861 - 1865" is a two player strategic wargame depicting the entire American Civil War. One player controls the forces and resources of the North and the other those of the South.

During each Game Turn, which represents three months of actual time, players must consider how best to spend their precious Resource Points (RPs). These are used to build and maintain the chains of depots necessary to keep armies supplied and enable them to move and fight, as well as to construct fortifications. Generally, the RPs reflect the superiority of the Northern economy and resources; but, the actual number available each Turn is subject to a random modifier and cards depicting some of the most significant events of the war. The latter add historical colour and, often, increase the tension by throwing a spanner in the works of the most carefully laid plan. Those who have played the critically acclaimed How the West was Saved will recognize this approach.

How the Union was Saved it is augmented by a new mechanic which emphasizes the “fog-of-war”. Only army commanders are deployed on the Game Map. The strength of forces under their command (comprising artillery, cavalry, and infantry) is hidden from the opponent until combat occurs and, even then, the total strength of one or both sides may not be revealed. This device puts players in the shoes of army commanders, able to gain an advantage through the clever use of bluff and deception; but, also vulnerable to a stinging reverse if, for example, they mistake a major offensive operation for a feint. It has produced some really exciting games during testing.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Stratagemata Default Title 59.99 Stratagemata017 1000 2021-11-17T11:32:39+00:00 2021-11-17T11:32:39+00:00 Shiloh 1862 War Games Worthington Games

Vendor: Worthington Games
Type: War Games
Price: 67.99

SHILOH 1862 is Volume II in the Civil War Brigade Battle Series from Worthington Publishing. The game is brigade level with 100 men per strength point. Hexes are 250yds from side to side. The game system uses command control for units within 4 hexes of their leader may move adjacent to enemy units.

It is a ugo-igo system that follows a basic move-combat style system similar to the rules from Gettysburg High Tide of the Confederacy and Chickamauga River of Death by Phoenix Games.

Victory is determined by terrain objectives and enemy casualties.

Shiloh is playable by 1 to 2 players in 3 hours. 2 Scenarios (April 6, and April 7) plus the two day battle game.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Worthington Games Default Title 67.99 1580 2021-11-12T12:57:49+00:00 2021-11-12T12:57:49+00:00 Bleeding Kansas War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 69.99

Bleeding Kansas is a two-player game portraying the politics and violence in pre-statehood Kansas. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 gave new territories the right to “popular sovereignty,” allowing residents to choose whether or not to allow slavery. Within months the stream of settlers to Kansas was swelled by parties of sponsored abolitionists and pro-slavers, all more intent on fighting one another than building a new state. Bushwhacks and gun battles punctuated maneuvers by rival legislatures elected through massive fraud. It would not die out entirely until statehood in January 1861. The new state’s senators swung the US Senate irretrievably against the South, ensuring the continuation of secession started by the election of Abraham Lincoln.

The core of the game is the card system. Each card describes an important event, person, or factor in the conflict, and triggers associated actions in the game. Players alternate card play to influence settlers, build forces, control counties, sway politics, move friendly forces, disrupt or attack opposing forces, burn or rebuild towns, encourage migration, or request Federal intervention. The sequence of cards played not only determines the outcome of the game, but creates the narrative of this dramatic conflict.

Take charge of your faction and gain control of Kansas.

Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_Decision Games Default Title 69.99 DCG1907 900 2021-09-12T16:19:59+01:00 2021-09-12T16:19:59+01:00 Mini Game Series: Little Round Top: Flank Attack at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863 War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 13.00

Robert E. Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania resulted in a collision at Gettysburg. The first contingent of George Meade’s Union army had been routed, but remained on the field southeast of town. For the second day of battle Lee planned a wide flank march to roll up the apparently open Union left. Instead, the flanking column arrived to find an entire Union corps astride their line of attack. Changing direction, the Confederates crushed the Union line, but the Union reserves arrived in the nick of time to form a new line anchored by the rugged massif of Little Round Top. Had they failed, Meade’s army would have been all-but trapped.

Little Round Top uses the Musket & Saber QuickPlay system to portray battle in the American Civil War. Combat is based on unit quality rather than numbers, and rewards use of historical tactics. Infantry—tough and resilient—bears the brunt of battle. Artillery can smash attacks or open holes in enemy lines, but is vulnerable and brittle. All units are susceptible to rout when weakened, so reserves are a must. Leaders enhance unit capabilities.

inning depends on careful deployment, balancing maneuver and attacks, and judicious use of leaders.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Decision Games series_Mini Game Series Default Title 13.00 DCG1736 800 2021-08-06T16:01:52+01:00 2021-08-06T16:01:52+01:00 Hidden Strike American Revolution War Games Worthington Games

Vendor: Worthington Games
Type: War Games
Price: 85.99

For 1-5 players, ages 14+, playing time around 60-120 minutes.

Hidden Strike: American Revolution recreates the struggle between the American colonists and the British forces during the War of Independence. Each side tries to win the war by controlling a majority of regions.

Confronted by overwhelming forces, the colonists will need strategy to defeat the larger British army and navy to gain their Independence. This is a card driven game, where players manage their hand of cards, usually playing just one card a turn to allow them to move tokens representing military forces across the board into key spaces at key times.

The game can be played in five different modes:
  • Solitaire: For those brave enough to take on the British forces on their own this mode offers a regular and a hardcore option. This mode is a good starting point if you’re trying to learn the game by yourself.
  • Versus: A fierce head-to-head in which one player pitches the British forces against the other player’s American troops.
  • Co-op mode: In this cooperative mode all players share the same objective: take on the role of the American colonists to win Independence from the British.
  • Traitor Mode: The inclusion of a secret traitor who will try to thwart the Americans’ efforts adds a devious twist to the co-op mode.
  • Mastermind: As one player assumes the role of George III the Sons of Liberty will have to band together to overcome the British King’s formidable forces.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Worthington Games Default Title 85.99 WPUB066 1250 2021-07-14T13:20:36+01:00 2021-07-14T13:20:36+01:00 Hood Strikes North: The Tennessee Campaign, Fall 1864 War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 99.00

Hood Strikes North is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts the desperate offensive undertaken by General John Bell Hood’s Army of Tennessee in November 1864 through central Tennessee in an effort to capture Union-held Nashville. Union forces defending the critical Nashville-Chattanooga corridor, led by Maj. Gen. George Thomas (“The Rock of Chickamauga”), were initially scattered and ill-prepared to meet Hood’s thrust. But under Thomas’ prudent and patient leadership, the Rebels were stopped at the gates of Nashville and then thoroughly defeated by a Union offensive in mid-December.

Hood Strikes North will include a single map, two countersheets, and limited special rules, thereby making it a highly suitable game for newcomers to the Great Campaigns of the American Civil War series. The game is designed by Joe Balkoski (the original GCACW series creator), Chris Withers, and Ed Beach. Based on mid-19th century Tennessee county maps, the game map will adhere to the high graphic standards of its predecessors, with map design executed by artist Charlie Kibler—whose work on the series dates back to its creation in 1992.

Hood Strikes North will use the latest version of the GCACW Standard Basic Game Rules that all other games in the series use. After more than a quarter of a century of refinement, these rules are extremely well organized and relatively easy to learn, even for series newcomers. The Advanced Game rules will cover situations specifically applicable to the November – December 1864 timeframe.

Hood Strikes North includes eight Basic Game scenarios and one Advanced Game campaign, all extensively playtested:

Here Come the Rebels! (November 24, 1864, 1 turn): Introductory scenario, great for learning how to play, depicting the arrival of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Rebel cavalry in central Tennessee, as Union forces under Maj. Gen. John Schofield hastily retreat to Columbia, Tennessee, covered by their cavalry.
The Race for Columbia (November 23 – 29, 1864, 7 turns): The initial attempt by Hood to cut off Union forces in southern Tennessee from Nashville.
A Great Chance Was Lost (November 28 – 29, 1864, 2 turns): Hood’s army outflanks Union troops defending Columbia, Tennessee, and at Spring Hill attempts to cut them off from Nashville.
We Will Make the Fight (November 30 – December 1, 1864, 2 turns): Union troops under Maj. Gen. John Schofield make a stand against Hood’s onrushing army at Franklin, Tennessee in their attempt to escape to Nashville.
The Battle of Nashville (December 15 – 16, 1864, 2 turns): Thomas takes the offensive and strikes hard at Hood’s Rebel army entrenched on the outskirts of Nashville.
The Enemy Was Badly Whipped (December 4 – 7, 1864, 4 turns): While the Rebels entrench south of Nashville, Hood orders Nathan Bedford Forrest to attack the Union stronghold at Murfreesboro in an attempt to relieve pressure on Hood’s eastern flank.
Hood’s Retreat (December 17 – 19, 1864, 3 turns): Maj. Gen. James Wilson’s Federal cavalry aggressively pursues Hood’s beaten army, but Forrest’s Rebel cavalry stands in the way.
That Devil Forrest (December 23 – 24, 1864, 2 turns): A fast-playing introductory scenario for learning how to play multiple turns. Forrest’s Rebel cavalry is the rear guard trying to delay pursuing Union infantry and cavalry.
Hood Strikes North (advanced scenario, November 23 – December 24, 1864, 32 turns): A depiction of the entire campaign.

Hood Strikes North is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts the desperate offensive undertaken by General John Bell Hood’s Army of Tennessee in November 1864 through central Tennessee in an effort to capture Union-held Nashville. Union forces defending the critical Nashville-Chattanooga corridor, led by Maj. Gen. George Thomas (“The Rock of Chickamauga”), were initially scattered and ill-prepared to meet Hood’s thrust. But under Thomas’ prudent and patient leadership, the Rebels were stopped at the gates of Nashville and then thoroughly defeated by a Union offensive in mid-December.

Hood Strikes North will include a single map, two countersheets, and limited special rules, thereby making it a highly suitable game for newcomers to the Great Campaigns of the American Civil War series. The game is designed by Joe Balkoski (the original GCACW series creator), Chris Withers, and Ed Beach. Based on mid-19th century Tennessee county maps, the game map will adhere to the high graphic standards of its predecessors, with map design executed by artist Charlie Kibler—whose work on the series dates back to its creation in 1992.

Hood Strikes North will use the latest version of the GCACW Standard Basic Game Rules that all other games in the series use. After more than a quarter of a century of refinement, these rules are extremely well organized and relatively easy to learn, even for series newcomers. The Advanced Game rules will cover situations specifically applicable to the November – December 1864 timeframe.

Hood Strikes North includes eight Basic Game scenarios and one Advanced Game campaign, all extensively playtested:

Here Come the Rebels! (November 24, 1864, 1 turn): Introductory scenario, great for learning how to play, depicting the arrival of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Rebel cavalry in central Tennessee, as Union forces under Maj. Gen. John Schofield hastily retreat to Columbia, Tennessee, covered by their cavalry.
The Race for Columbia (November 23 – 29, 1864, 7 turns): The initial attempt by Hood to cut off Union forces in southern Tennessee from Nashville.
A Great Chance Was Lost (November 28 – 29, 1864, 2 turns): Hood’s army outflanks Union troops defending Columbia, Tennessee, and at Spring Hill attempts to cut them off from Nashville.
We Will Make the Fight (November 30 – December 1, 1864, 2 turns): Union troops under Maj. Gen. John Schofield make a stand against Hood’s onrushing army at Franklin, Tennessee in their attempt to escape to Nashville.
The Battle of Nashville (December 15 – 16, 1864, 2 turns): Thomas takes the offensive and strikes hard at Hood’s Rebel army entrenched on the outskirts of Nashville.
The Enemy Was Badly Whipped (December 4 – 7, 1864, 4 turns): While the Rebels entrench south of Nashville, Hood orders Nathan Bedford Forrest to attack the Union stronghold at Murfreesboro in an attempt to relieve pressure on Hood’s eastern flank.
Hood’s Retreat (December 17 – 19, 1864, 3 turns): Maj. Gen. James Wilson’s Federal cavalry aggressively pursues Hood’s beaten army, but Forrest’s Rebel cavalry stands in the way.
That Devil Forrest (December 23 – 24, 1864, 2 turns): A fast-playing introductory scenario for learning how to play multiple turns. Forrest’s Rebel cavalry is the rear guard trying to delay pursuing Union infantry and cavalry.
Hood Strikes North (advanced scenario, November 23 – December 24, 1864, 32 turns): A depiction of the entire campaign.

Availability_Available period_American Civil War publisher_Multi-Man Publishing Default Title 99.00 MMPHSN 750 2020-08-27T14:35:53+01:00 2020-08-27T14:35:53+01:00 Flying Colors (deluxe) War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 69.99

For 1-4 players.

Flying Colors recreates naval actions during the height of the Age of Sail, from small engagements to full battles involving dozens of ships in each fleet. Play is fast, furious, and does not require the pre-plotted movement found in many other naval games. Instead, a simple initiative and command system allows players to activate and maneuver their fleets in a realistic manner, indicating how older commanders adhered to rules of engagement where more forward thinking commanders, like Nelson, could retain control of their fleets after the first broadsides began to be exchanged.

Rather than focusing on the abilities of individual ships, Flying Colors uses broad classes of vessel within each "rate" and concentrates the players minds on maintaining command of their fleets using a simple command system.

This is not a strategic level game where one piece represents several ships. Flying Colors includes 300 individually named ships rated for size, gunnery, boarding ability, and damage capacity. Also included are nearly four dozen individually named commanders, rated for their ability to control their formations as well as the impact of their presence within the fleet. The game system provides what naval enthusiasts will expect in a tactical Age of Sail game: broadsides, rakes, anchoring, wind effects, weather, shore batteries, and much more. All this is packed into a short, accessible rulebook.

Included within the game are 17 historical scenarios ranging from the Battle of Minorca (1756) during the Seven Years War to the Battle of the Capes during the American Revolution and on through the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) during the Napoleonic Wars. The battles range in size from small engagements playable on a single map through huge engagements like the Glorious First of June playable on three maps. Players are also free to create their own variants and "what-if" scenarios using point values for each ship. Most scenarios can be played within a few hours and two players can complete even the largest within a day. Several are also well suited to solitaire play.

Minorca, 20 May 1756
Cape Henry, 16 March 1781
Virginia Capes, 5 September 1781
Frigate Bay, St.Kitts, 26 February 1782
The Glorious First of June, 29 May through 1 June, 1794
Audierne Bay, 13 January 1797
Cape St.Vincent, 14 February 1797
Camperdown, 11 October 1797
Bec du Raz, 21 April 1798
The Nile, 1-2 August 1798
Goza de candia, 18 August 1798
El Ferrol, 25 August 1800
Copenhagen, 2 April 1801
Algeciras Bay, 6 July 1801
Gut of Gibraltar, 12-13 July 1801
Cape Finisterre, 22 July 1805
Trafalgar, 21 October 1805
Cape Ortugal, 4 November 1805

1st edition Components:

  • 840 full-color counters
  • Three 34x22 full-color maps
  • Rulebook
  • Playbook
  • Pad of Ship Status sheets
  • One 11x17 Player Aid card


TIME SCALE : 5-10 minutes per turn
MAP SCALE: 100 meters per hex
UNIT SCALE: Individual Ships

(from GMT website and BGG users)

Availability_Sold_out colours period_16th to 19th Century period_American Civil War publisher_GMT Default Title 69.99 GMT2011 1914 2020-02-14T10:37:58+00:00 2020-02-14T10:37:58+00:00 Atlanta Is Ours War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 149.99

Atlanta Is Ours is the next game in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. The two maps included are painted by original map artist Charlie Kibler. The military unit counters have been redesigned by Charlie Kibler to harken back to the counters in the original games in the series but with a more modern graphical treatment.

Atlanta Is Ours contains an updated version of the GCACW Standard Basic Game Rules that all the other games in the series use. The Advanced Game rules are also standardized so players will be able to move quickly from one campaign to the other.

Atlanta Is Ours includes fourteen Basic Game scenarios and five Advanced Game campaigns, all extensively playtested:

Basic Game Scenarios


  1. The Opportunity of a Lifetime (Snake Creek Gap/Resaca (5/9/1864, 1 turn, small forces): Beginner’s scenario, great for learning how to play.
  2. The Gap Is Blocked (5/8-5/10/1864, 3 turns): Hypothetical scenario, what could have happened if Sherman had not sent McPherson to Snake Creek Gap and instead attacked or tried to outflank other points in the Confederate defenses.
  3. Battle of Resaca (5/14/1864; 1 turn): Sherman's entire army reinforces McPherson's corps outside Resaca, and attacks Johnston's army in Resaca, which has just arrived from its positions around Dalton.
  4. From the Oostanaula to the Etowah (5/17-5/23/1864, 7 turns): Sweeping maneuver from one river to the other, with the aborted battle of Cassville near the end of the scenario. Includes special random events and optional limited intelligence.
  5. Advance and Retreat (5/19-5/22/1864; 4 turns): Johnston's army attempts to attack a portion of Sherman's army while Sherman is advancing on a wide front. Hood aborts the attack as it is developing and falls back into a defensive line near Cassville.
  6. The Hell Hole (5/25-5/28/1864; 4 turns): Sherman moves off the rail line to the west in an attempt to flank Johnston, but is stopped after several days of battle. This scenario encompasses the battles of Dallas, New Hope Church, and Pickett's Mill.
  7. Kennesaw Mountain (6-22-6/27; 6 turns): This scenario covers the battles of Kolb’s Farm and Kennesaw Mountain.
  8. Crossing the Chattahoochee (7/3-7/8/1864; 6 turns): Johnston retreats from Kennesaw Mountain and then Sherman breaches Johnston's line covering the bridges and fords of the Chattahoochee River.
  9. Battle of Atlanta (7/20-7/22/1864; 3 turns): Hood (now in command of the CSA army) attacks portions of Sherman's army twice, at Peachtree Creek and Bald Hill, but is beaten back with heavy losses both times.
  10. Ezra Church (7/28/1864; 1 turn; half armies): Hood sends two corps to block Howard (now commanding the Army of the Tennessee), who is attempting to move around Atlanta from the west; they stop Howard, but incur heavy casualties in their attacks.
  11. Wheeler's Raid (8/10-8/15; 6 turns; solitaire cavalry scenario): Wheeler moves north to disrupt the Union supply line around Dalton; -Wheeler does minimal damage before being forced to retreat.
  12. Kilpatrick's Raid (8/18-8/22/1864; 5 turns, cavalry scenario): Kilpatrick takes the Union cavalry south around Atlanta to Lovejoy's Station, but he does minimal damage and returns to Union lines.
  13. Marching On Tara (8/28 - 9/1/1864; 5 turns): Sherman moves around the west flank of the Confederates and marches to the RR stations supplying Atlanta from the west and the south. The goal is to force the Confederates to fight outside the forts or abandon Atlanta. Tara is the fictional plantation in the movie Gone With The Wind, and is "located" a few miles from Jonesboro where the armies have their final battle.
  14. Last Stand At Tara (8/31 - 9/2/1864; 3 turns): This scenario encompasses both the Confederate attack on the Union at Jonesboro and then the Confederate retreat and consolidation of their army at Lovejoy’s Station to the south on the RR line.


Advanced Game Scenarios


  1. To The Chattahoochee (Advanced scenario, May-July 1864): This scenario covers Johnston's retreat and the Union advance from the initial lines at Dalton to near Atlanta.
  2. The Real Game For Atlanta (Advanced scenario, July-Sept. 1864): This scenario encompasses Hood's attacks near the Atlanta forts and Sherman's maneuvering resulting in the Union capture of Atlanta.
  3. The Atlanta Campaign (Advanced scenario, May-Sept 1864): A "grand campaign" linking the two above advanced scenarios.
  4. The Hardest Knocks (Advanced scenario, May-July or Sept 1864): Alternative setups to the May campaign startup.
  5. Without Home Or Habitation (Advanced scenario, Sept – Oct 1864): After the fall of Atlanta, Hood heads north to cut Sherman’s rail line. Union forces pursue.


  • GCACW Series Rules Booklet (24 pgs in color)
  • AIO Specific Rules Booklet (96 pgs in color including scenarios, the game as history, map gazetteer, etc)
  • Two 22"x 32" full-color map sheets (preview).
  • Three 280-piece counter sheets
  • One Terrain Effects Chart
  • Two full-color Force Displays
  • One Off-Map Display
  • One Turn Track
  • Two 4-page color Charts and Tables
  • Two 6-sided Dice


Design & Development: Ed Beach, Mike Belles, and Chris Withers
Original series design by Joseph M. Balkoski
Map Artwork by Charlie Kibler
Counter Graphics by Charlie Kibler and Nicolás Eskubi

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War publisher_Multi-Man Publishing series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 149.99 1150 2019-09-06T18:20:12+01:00 2019-09-06T18:20:12+01:00 Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah core game War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 84.99

Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah is the seventh installment of the Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) series, published by GMT Games.

Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah contains eight battle games with multiple scenarios. They range from division level contests on half sized maps to two map battles between armies. Experienced players will be able to play many of the scenarios in one sitting. The rules compare the development of the cavalry, and the changes in infantry and artillery organization and tactics in 1862 and 1864.

Three Battles of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862
In a campaign still studied in military academies, Confederate General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson engaged and defeated the Union forces pursuing him. Greatly outnumbered and at times facing three Union armies, Jackson defeated them all within ten weeks, at one point completely freeing the Shenandoah Valley of Union forces. Three battles from Jackson’s 1862 Valley Campaign are featured.

  • Kernstown, March 23, 1862
  • Winchester, May 25, 1862
  • Cross Keys and Port Republic, June 8-9, 1862


Five Battles of the Shenandoah Valley Campaigns of 1864

  • New Market, May 15, 1864
  • 2nd Kernstown, July 24, 1864
  • 3rd Winchester, September 19, 1864
  • Fisher's Hill, September 22, 1864
  • Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864

 The Great Battles of the American Civil War Series:

This series is one of the hobby’s longest-lived design concepts, springing from the legendary regimental level Gettysburg game – Terrible Swift Sword (SPI) – designed by Richard Berg in 1976. Under GMT, the rules system has remained stable, but has shown remarkable flexibility to allow each game to smoothly incorporate additional rules to reflect the historical battles. The series relies on interactive chit-pull mechanics to simulate the oftentimes-chaotic nature of the 19th Century battlefield at the regimental level.

Changes have been made to the series rules for Death Valley in order to enhance their clarity and simulation value. Veteran players will find the revised rules to be very familiar, with the main differences being in the user-friendliness of the rulebook, as well as how the game "feels", especially for players versed in Civil War tactics.

1960 counters
Three 22" x 34" double-sided maps
Two 17" x 22" double-sided maps
One GBACW series rules booklet
Two Battle booklets
Sixteen Activation and Turn Record charts
Two Player Aid Cards
One Terrain Effects Chart
One 2nd Disorder Chart
Two 10-sided dice

TIME SCALE: Each Turn = 1 Hour
MAP SCALE: 145 Yards Per Hex with 25-Foot Elevations
UNIT SCALE: 50 Men or 1 Cannon per Strength Point

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War players_Two publisher_GMT series_Great Battles of the American Civil War Default Title 84.99 GMT1909 2000 2019-07-19T11:25:47+01:00 2019-07-19T11:25:47+01:00 To Take Washington: Jubal Early's Summer 1864 Campaign War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 83.99

To Take Washington: Jubal Early’s Summer 1864 Campaign is the third game in the Line of Battle Series series and covers Jubal Early’s campaign during the summer of 1864. From June into July, Old Jube swept out of the Shenandoah Valley and across the Potomac River to advance on Washington DC. By threatening the Federal capital, Early and the Confederate command hoped to divert forces from Grant’s Overland Campaign, relieving the pressure on Richmond.

Historically, Early narrowly defeated Lew Wallace on the Monocacy River, outside of Frederick, MD. However, this ‘victory’ cost him precious time and manpower. Though he went on to test the outer forts protecting Washington itself (mainly at Fort Stevens), Early was too weak and too late to take advantage of the once-denuded nature of the fortress garrisons.

As Abraham Lincoln quipped, “Mr. Early, you are late.”

In To Take Washington, players first fight the Battle of Monocacy. Their relative success or failure there, as well as their raw efficiency, determines when the Confederates show up on the separate Fort Stevens map. An arrival mere hours earlier than their historical appearance makes an enormous difference in the strength of Union forces manning the defenses, since they had been stripped bare prior to Early’s advance. Conversely, a mediocre showing at Monocacy will present the Confederate player with a very difficult problem at Fort Stevens. Jubal Early couldn’t solve it – can you?

To Take Washington covers these two related actions on two separate map areas. One (with two map sheets) covers the Monocacy battlefield while the other (with one map sheet) shows the area around Fort Stevens and a portion of Washington itself.

The Line of Battle Series series premiered with None But Heroes, covering the Battle of Antietam, and went on to set a new standard of excellence with its presentation of Gettysburg in Last Chance for Victory. The LoB series rules are the pinnacle of over 30 years of development starting with the Civil War Brigade (CWB) Series and its follow-on Regimental Sub-Series. The LoB system and battle-specific rules incorporate fresh research while discarding the mistaken assumptions and false impressions that have crept into ACW games of the past forty years. Above all, Line of Battle is designed to capture the free-for-all nature of an American Civil War battle in a fun, fast, and very playable format.

Scenarios: To Take Washington includes twelve scenarios, with one entry point for the full two-battle Campaign Game. Ten of the scenarios use only one map (either a portion of the Monocacy map set, or the single Fort Stevens map).

—description from the publisher

Game Scale:
Game Turn: 15-30 minutes
Hex: 110 yards / 100 meters
Units: Batteries to Regiments

Game Inventory:
Three 22 x 34" full color mapsheets
Three dual-side printed countersheet (840 1/2" counters - 267 playing pieces, rest markers)
One 36-page Line of Battle Series v2.0 rulebook
One 20-page To Take Washington rulebook
Two 6-page dual-side printed LoB Charts & Tables v2.0 booklet
One single-side printed Terrain Key
One Single-side printed Turn Record Track chart
Two 6-sided die

Solitaire Playability: High
Complexity Level: Medium
Players: 2 or more
Playing Time: 4-15 hours

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War players_Five players_Four players_Six players_Solitaire players_Three players_Two publisher_Multi-Man Publishing series_Line of Battle (MMP) weightXestimated Default Title 83.99 MMP10-3 1801 2019-04-02T16:59:41+01:00 2019-04-02T16:59:41+01:00 Assault at Cold Harbour War Games Minden Games

Vendor: Minden Games
Type: War Games
Price: 11.99

Solitaire American Civil War Game.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War players_Solitaire publisher_Minden Games weightXestimated Default Title 11.99 301 2019-03-22T15:39:40+00:00 2019-03-22T15:39:40+00:00 The Late Unpleasantness War Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: War Games
Price: 85.50

“Two Civil War Campaigns to take Richmond”

In the spring of 1861, Richmond, Virginia became the capital of the Confederacy. Being a manufacturing powerhouse only 120 miles from Washington DC and the Confederate capital, it became the focus of Union attention. The threat of capture by Federal forces was constant.

The Late Unpleasantness covers the two major attempts to capture the Confederate Capital City. Gates of Richmond covers the Seven Days Battles with Robert E Lee facing down George McClellan. If It Takes All Summer is Ulysses S Grant’s overland campaign of 1864, which added the names of Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse and Cold Harbor to Civil War history.

Each game stands alone, but share the majority of rules. Simple enough to learn and play in an evening, but enough twists and turns to make you want to replay it until it is worn.

The maps use a point to point movement system, rather than hexes to simulate the campaigning over the road networks and river crossings, rather than mass movements cross country. Combat is integrated into the movement, making coordination of large bodies of troops difficult.

The Gates of Richmond map covers the area from Richmond in the west to the White House on the Pamunkey, and from Mechanicsville south to Harrison’s Landing. Key features such as Malvern Hill, Beaver Dam Creek, and the bridges over White Oak swamp and the Chickahominy are highlighted. Will the Union army fail to attack the Richmond works as a result of “Prince John” Magruder’s antics?

If It Takes All Summer covers most of Central Virginia, from Brandy Station and Culpeper to the Cold Harbor north east of Richmond. The Wilderness features prominently in the campaign with a special table to create some of the confusion as a result of fighting in this tangle.

The basic units are divisions (a bit larger than usual for Civil War, but right in this case). Each unit is listed for strength and overall leadership/morale quality. Stacks are hidden for limited intelligence. Corps and Army leaders are available to modify the die roll in an attack as well as to help coordinate attacks from more than a single stack.

Sequence of play is straight forward with supply first. Units out of supply suffer movement and combat penalties and those with a continued lack of supply will suffer attrition. Confederate supply is a simple trace to either Richmond or a railroad, while the Union needs to relocate his base to keep his offensive moving.

Units move, then attack as a part of the stack’s movement. Terrain, strength and leadership are all die roll modifiers, in combat. Combat losses are in terms of strength points, but a third die is rolled to determine if the combat ends in a retreat or continues. If it continues, you count it up and do it again. (and possibly again) If your leaders are good enough, they may be able to break off a losing battle.

Thrown into the mix are random events cards, but the game is not card driven. Each player can hold a hand of up to 10 cards, which can be played in nearly any combination and at any time (except during combat continuation). You use the cards to enhance your units or mess with the other player (ie. Grant steals a march - all Union units +2 MP this turn, or Rain - 1 left shift on all attacks) Others are one time events (Sedwick gets killed, Jackson falls asleep) that will ruin your perfect plan.

Each game can be picked up and learned in under 30 minutes, and played entirely through in 4 hours or less. The cards, leaders and Wilderness/Magruder tables add a level of chrome and history to the games without making them difficult. Combined with the hidden strengths and dummy counters, no two games are ever the same.

Complexity: 4 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: 5 out of 10
Time Scale: 1 turn = 2 days (IITAS)
1 turn = 1/2 day(GOR)
Map Scale: Point to point movement
Unit Scale: Divisions
Players: 2 players
Playing Time: 2-4 hours

Two 22 X 34 inch maps- One for each game
Three Countersheets
Two decks of 55 playing cards (1 for each game)
Two Rulebooks (1 for each game) with examples of play
Player Aid cards with Charts and Tables
Three 6-sided dice
One Box and Lid set

Availability_Available period_American Civil War players_Two publisher_Compass Games weightXestimated Default Title 85.50 COM1083 2001 2018-08-04T12:20:55+01:00 2018-08-04T12:20:55+01:00 Saratoga 1777 War Games Worthington Games

Vendor: Worthington Games
Type: War Games
Price: 53.99

For 1-2 players, ages 13+, playing time around 60-120 minutes.

The Saratoga 1777 campaign of the American Revolution resulted in a British defeat that was so shocking that it changed the course of the war. What started as a grand campaign by three British armies to end the rebellion resulted in the defeat of two of them and the capture of the third and largest army. Historically, the Americans had the odds stacked against them and yet pulled off a crushing victory over the greatest military power in the world. Can you as the British player defeat the American Continental army and its militia in the back woods along Lake Champlain and Lake George? Or as the American player can you, like Green Mountain boys and the farmers of those back woods defend your homeland and change the course of the war? The decisions are yours…

The game is Volume III of the Great Campaigns of the American Revolution which includes NY 1776, and TRENTON 1776.

Game includes hard mounted game board, 70+ blocks, labels, battle board, rules, and dice.

Playing time is 1 to 2 hours. For ages 13+ ]]>
Availability_Available period_American Civil War players_Solitaire players_Two publisher_Worthington Games series_Great Campaigns of the American Revolution weightXestimated Default Title 53.99 1801 2018-07-27T15:45:55+01:00 2018-07-27T15:45:55+01:00 Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg (ziplock) War Games Revolution Games

Vendor: Revolution Games
Type: War Games
Price: 41.50

Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg is a game simulating the fighting on July 2nd, 1863 during the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg and focuses on the southern portion of the battlefield. These engagements involved General Longstreet’s attack against Sickles’ positions, with troops from Hood’s and McLaws’ Divisions, assisted as well by Anderson’s Division of A.P. Hill’s Corps.

The game is specifically designed to be a playable regimental-scale game that players can complete in a long evening. It allows the players the immersive experience of tactical combat without the heavy rules overhead normally found in such games, while also delivering a comprehensive experience of limited intelligence and unexpected events. The game features the Blind Swords chit-pull system which emphasizes the three “FOW’s” of military conflict: fog-of-war, friction-of-war and fortunes-of-war. With each chit pull, players will be challenged to make tough decisions based on their assessment of the situation at that moment. Unlike traditional chit-pull systems, the Blind Swords system ensures that no combat units can be counted on, or conversely, counted out. This yields an environment of tense action and constant surprises – an environment that will challenge each player.


All regiments and batteries of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac that took part in these actions are represented in the Order of Battle. Each unit has a Strength Point number, with each point equaling 50 men or 1 artillery piece, and a Cohesion Rating, representing the unit’s morale, training and experience.


Combat and Cohesion System: The combat system is “firepower” based and utilizes the unit’s size and Cohesion Rating to determine its effectiveness. The combat system is driven by a unique four-D6 dice mechanic. All four differently-colored dice are rolled simultaneously. The black and white dice generate an initial result ranging from 11 to 66. The other two dice (red and blue) simultaneously give the players the tangible effect of the initial result and represent physical casualties suffered by the unit (the red die) and the morale effect of the enemy’s fire (the blue die).

Orders System: A player must first choose one of four possible Orders that an activated Brigade will operate under – Attack, Defend, Maneuver or Rally. Each Order has specific parameters that provide benefits and restrictions. This Order choice can be critical to a unit’s performance during its activation.

Chit-Pull System: The Blind Swords chit-pull system is a unique mechanic and generates challenging actions and difficult decisions for the players. It features four different types of chits, all of which reside in the same cup, each with special effects:

Division Activation Chits. These activate any one Brigade (not yet activated) from the Division listed on the chit. However, further Brigade activations from this Division are dependent on the Division General’s Command Rating and a die roll. A successful die roll places the chit back into the cup and thereby the other Brigades of the Division have a chance to activate in the future. A failed die roll discards the chit for the turn and the remaining Brigades will not be able to activate normally (however, see below). 
CIC Chits. These are a special kind of Activation Chit. The Union player has a Sickles chit and the Confederate player has a Longstreet chit. These chits allow the player to select any one Brigade in the game for activation - even if it has already activated or will be activated later in the turn. Thus, this is the opportunity to activate a Brigade twice in the turn or activate a Brigade from a Division that has lost its Division Activation Chit. 
Event Chits. There are nine Event chits assigned to each player. At the start of each turn, players may select any one of these chits to place in the cup (obviously an Event they really want). Three Event chits are randomly thrown out of the turn and will not be used – the remaining five Event chits are also then placed into the cup with the previously pre-selected chit. In this manner, players are never assured of drawing any particular Event chit, except for the one they chose. Each Event chit has a Unique Event side (all the chits have a different Event listed) and a Command Event side. The Unique Event is a tactical event that can be used on the battlefield and each Event has specific effects and options for the player to consider. Examples are Rebel Yell!, Union Logistics, Quick March and Heroic Stand. The Command Event side is used for more strategic options. The Union player may call for reinforcements from the rest of the Army of the Potomac (only the III Corps Divisions are available at start) and the Confederate player can attempt to better coordinate his attack (by increasing his Division General’s Command Ratings). 
Wild Chits. These are the two “chaos” chits. One chit is Fog of War, which can possibly cause units from either side to conduct unexpected attacks or withdrawals, or can cause General officer casualties. The other chit is Fortunes of War which will immediately discard the next chit pulled with no effect – including that special pre-selected Event chit if it happens to come up!


The map is 22” x 34” hexagonal map of the entire south end of the Gettysburg battlefield. Each hex equal 150 yards and contains all the significant terrain details – elevations, slopes, woods, swamps, buildings, orchards, etc.


The game will include at least five scenarios:

The Round Tops. A small scenario to introduce people to the games rules.

The Whirlpool. A ten turn scenario about the most contested part of the battlefield. The Wheatfield, Devils Den, Houck's Ridge and the Peach Orchard. 4:20 to 7:20pm

Assault on the Emmitsburg Road. A 9 turn scenario of the battle for the Peach Orchard and Cemetery Ridge. 5:40 to 8:20 PM

Hammerin' Sickles. The full second days action on this part of the field. 14 turns. 4:00 to 8:20 pm.

Sickles Stays Put. A what if scenario exploring a set up closer to what Meade intended for Sickles before his forward advance.

Availability_Sold_out period_American Civil War players_Four players_Solitaire players_Three players_Two publisher_Revolution Games Default Title 41.50 500 2018-07-11T20:59:35+01:00 2018-07-11T20:59:35+01:00 Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 38.99

Fort Sumter is a two-player Card Driven Game (CDG) portraying the 1860 secession crisis that led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the American Civil War. Fort Sumter is a small footprint game (11x17” mounted map) that takes approximately 25-40 minutes to play. The game pits a Unionist versus a Secessionist player. Each player uses the area control mechanic pioneered in Mark Herman's We The People design and immortalized in Twilight Struggle to place, move, and remove political capital. The location of political capital determines who controls each of the four crisis dimensions (Political, Secession, Public Opinion, and Armaments). After three rounds of play, the game culminates in a Final Crisis confrontation to determine the winner.

The heart of the Fort Sumter design is Mark's CDG system where you use Strategy cards for their value or historic event to acquire political capital from the crisis track. Political capital tokens are used to compete for control of the twelve map spaces. Here the likes of William Lloyd Garrison, Sam Houston, Jefferson Davis, and Harriet Beecher Stowe walk on stage, while the Southern states dissolve the Union.

The twelve map spaces are grouped into the four dimensions of the crisis. You gain a victory point each round that you control a dimension’s three spaces. For example, the Armaments dimension is characterized by Federal Arsenals, Fort Pickens, and of course, Fort Sumter. In addition, each round you score a victory point for controlling your secret objective space. But beware; either player can score active objective spaces. At the end of the dual Presidential inaugurations (round three) a new Final Crisis mechanic drives the game to its hotly contested conclusion.

Utilizing a new Final Crisis Series mechanic, you may accelerate the crisis by breaching zones (escalation, tension, final crisis) that yield bonus political capital. However, beware, as the first person to breach the final crisis zone gains political advantage, yet loses victory point ground. Each game ends with a Final Crisis, where cards set-aside during the three rounds complete your final political maneuvers that determine the winner.

Availability_Available period_16th to 19th Century period_American Civil War players_Two publisher_GMT Default Title 38.99 GMT1808 1501