amaansjunglebook 2024-07-01T08:32:43+01:00 amaansjunglebook 2024-07-01T08:32:43+01:00 2024-07-01T08:32:43+01:00 A Gest of Robin Hood War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 74.99

A Gest of Robin Hood is the second game in the Irregular Conflicts Series, further adapting the COIN system to depict peasant revolts, feudal tax collection, and outlaw activities in late 12th century medieval England. Transposing one of GMT’s most popular systems into a simpler format and a more approachable setting makes A Gest of Robin Hood perfect for newcomers to wargaming. At the same time, it also offers a tight challenge for more experienced wargamers who can enjoy a tense asymmetric duel in under an hour.


  • An ideal entry point to the COIN system and the ICS series: a two player, relatively low complexity game with a family friendly theme that plays in one hour and introduces all of the key concepts found in the COIN series.
  • A new hidden movement mechanic: The Sheriff will chase Robin Hood across Nottinghamshire to prevent him from organizing peasant revolts, but Robin can sneak away and hide amongst his Merry Men.
  • A second new hidden movement mechanic: Carriages serve as a simple twist on Lines of Communication, transferring wealth back to Nottingham while providing a target for robbery by the Merry Men—but some of them might be a trap, containing concealed Henchmen!
  • Random encounters with rich travelers: Robin Hood draws from the Travelers Deck when conducting a Rob action, then decides whether to play it safe or demand a larger ‘donation’ with potentially negative consequences.
  • A streamlined sequence of play: Further developing the two-player sequence of play first found in Colonial Twilight, this new sequence of play is easy to understand while still presenting difficult tactical decisions.
Availability_Available period_Medieval players_Two publisher_GMT series_Irregular Conflicts Default Title 74.99 GMT2325 1280 2024-03-19T10:50:15+00:00 2024-03-19T10:50:15+00:00 Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 79.99

Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398 depicts the epic, century-long rise and fall of medieval kingdoms in India over two dynastic periods, for 1-3 players.

Vijayanagara is the first game in the new Irregular Conflicts Series (ICS). With gameplay inspired by GMT’s COIN system, players will take on the asymmetric roles of the Delhi Sultanate, the Bahmani Kingdom, and the Vijayanagara Empire, navigating event cards and unique action menus as they contest to write themselves into medieval Indian history. Players will rally local amirs and rajas to their cause, construct epic temples, forts, and qasbahs, and battle for supremacy over the Deccan Plateau.

1. A sweeping, century-long narrative and numerous epic events.
2. Playtime ~90 minutes.
3. Three asymmetric Factions with different strengths and abilities.
4. A fourth non-player Faction (Mongols) operated by the Bahmani and Vijayanagara players.
5. A new battle-resolution system with strength-dependent risk mitigation.

Vijayanagara is intended for players new to asymmetric wargames and veteran COIN players alike. The factions have distinct capabilities and each is faced with different strategic decisions, offering a very high degree of replayability. The game is streamlined: all player actions and most rules are visible on the table on player aids and cards.

Gameplay and turn order is organized around a deck of unique event cards. With each new card, factions have the option to carry out the event or to select from faction-specific Commands and special Decrees; Commands such as the Conscription of new troops, Governing in Tributary Provinces, and Migration to begin life anew, and Decrees ranging from Demanding Tribute, Conspiring with Delhi’s Governors to betray the Sultan, and forming new Alliances with minor regional powers.

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval publisher_GMT series_Irregular Conflicts Default Title 79.99 GMT2321 2001 2024-02-09T12:13:12+00:00 2024-02-09T12:13:12+00:00 Tanto Monta: The Rise of Ferdinand and Isabella War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 94.99

Prequel to "Here I Stand", Ed Beache's famed game published by GMT GAMES. It is a game for 4 players (Muslim, French, Portuguese and Spanish) covering the reign of the Catholic Monarchs and the voyages of the Age of Discovery.

This is a CDG where each player has to reach 45VP to win in the course of 7 maximum turns. Players play cards for their event or to perform actions from a list of available options for each power and at a specific cost for each action. VPs are earned either by military objectives, discoveries of new zones, trade, royal weddings or certain events. In each turn the 4 players alternate playing cards and so on until the end of the turn. The combats are resolved by means of dice rolls with possible support of combat cards and taking into account the type of participating unit.

Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_GMT Default Title 94.99 GMT2307 2670 2024-02-09T12:01:40+00:00 2024-02-09T12:01:40+00:00 Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 65.00

The Normans, and their successors, had a large impact on history. Normans, from Nortmann (northman), were originally Viking raiders that settled in what would now be northern France. Normans gained territory as far away as southern Italy and Sicily, and modern day Syria. They were Crusaders, they were Kings, they were princes, and they were scoundrels. They began as raiders from the north that fought on foot and transformed themselves into Dukes, Kings, and princes that fought from horseback.

How many games include a battle with a Papal army? Very few, so Norman Conquests visits Italy and the Norman Count of Apulia fighting with, and capturing, the Pope. Stretching the definition to include the Norwegian King Harald (III) Hardrada (undoubtedly a northman) and his invasion of England allows us to include all three battles for the throne of England in 1066, including the most famous Norman William the Conqueror and his invasion of England. Next we catch up with two sons of William I, the Duke of Normandy and the King of England, feuding over his lands years after his death. We end with the Baron’s War between William I’s great-great-great-grandson Henry III and his barons who were led by Simon de Montfort.

Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_GMT Default Title 65.00 GMT2319 1100 2023-07-21T13:53:58+01:00 2023-07-21T13:53:58+01:00 Border Reivers: Anglo-Scottish Border Raids, 1513-1603 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 82.99

For two hundred years, war waged back and forth across the border between England and Scotland. By 1482, the unfortunate town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, once the richest port town in Scotland, had changed hands thirteen times. By the time Henry VIII ascended the throne of England in 1509, the fifty-mile-wide stretch of rolling hills and stunning vistas that straddle the border had seen decades of hardship and atrocity.

Yet still the hardy families living on these frontier lands persevered. Unable to count on crops surviving until the harvest, they subsisted primarily on the livestock they could shepherd in the fields near their homesteads. When supplies ran low, raiding to steal what they needed from their neighbors was often the answer. Raids were often carefully planned operations with several border families uniting to steal livestock from a common foe in the dead of night. Cattle and sheep were the likely targets, often with hundreds of these creatures being stolen in a single raid. The reiver’s goal was to herd their quarry to safety before the retaliatory “hot trod” pursuit could catch up and force an engagement.

To combat this constant hostility, England and Scotland established the system of March Law. Each nation divided its border lands into an East, Middle, and West March with each of these six territories administered by a Warden responsible for keeping the peace. The Wardens were drawn from the most powerful families on the Borders, clans of great renown that could put upwards of a thousand men in the saddle in times of need. The March Law would have succeeded too, but for the fact that these same great families were usually the ones best equipped and most inclined to raid their neighbors.

In Border Reivers, each player rules over one of the Marches as leader of one of the six major riding families of the border: Grey, Fenwick, Dacre, Maxwell, Kerr, or Hume. Your goal is to increase the wealth and fame of your clan throughout the reigns of Henry and Elizabeth to end the century as the most famous Border Reiver of all time. Players gain VPs from successful combats, amassing large herds of livestock, and by elevating their Notoriety above the other players in the regions of the map.

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval period_Renaissance publisher_GMT Default Title 82.99 GMT2218 2400 2023-03-01T20:26:09+00:00 2023-03-01T20:26:09+00:00 Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany, 1259-1261 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 92.99

Tuscany, 1259. As wealth from crafts and foreign trade elevated northern Italy’s urban families above the landed lords, rivalries within and among their cities hardened into conflict between two great parties. The Ghibellines aligned with the Hohenstaufen emperors who ostensibly ruled Italy, while the Guelphs backed rival imperial claimants and the greatest challenger to the Emperor’s authority, the Pope. Should any faction gain advantage, others coalesced to resist.

The comuni (republics) of Firenze (Florence) and Siena dominated inland Tuscany at the head of competing alliances. As Guelphs sealed their control of the more populous Firenze, Ghibelline Siena turned to the Hohenstaufen King Manfredi of Naples for help. Local rebellions and reprisals escalated on each side, as political exiles stirred the pot. After Manfredi dispatched German knights to protect his loyal Tuscans, Firenze mustered its people and allies to march on Siena, which responded with its own great army. Pisa and Lucca, Lombardia and Umbria joined in. Guelph and Ghibelline faced off en masse at Montaperti in September 1260, in what turned out a bloody Florentine defeat. As Ghibelline exiles returned to grip Firenze, its Guelphs rallied to Lucca and Arezzo, portending an eternal inferno of fighting.

Inferno—the third volume in Volko Ruhnke’s Levy & Campaign Series—visits the conflagration that was 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the money and burgeoning population of the region’s well-to-do cities and mountain valleys. Veteran Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi applies his deep knowledge of the age to bring it to life within Volko’s accessible medieval-operational system. Gathering enough transport and provender may not so much be the challenge here as the sudden impediment of rebel towns and castles along key roads. Tuscany’s unruly berrovieri horsemen, famed elite crossbowmen, and distinctive palvesari shield bearers are just a few of the unique features of this volume. Muster, mount up, and find out whose blood will make the Arbia run red!

One 17x22 inch Mounted Map
175 Wooden pieces
106 Playing Cards
Three full-color Countersheets
15 cardboard Lord and Battle mats
One Lords sticker sheet
Four Player Aid sheets
Two Screens
Rules Booklet
Background Booklet
Six 6-sided dice

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval publisher_GMT Default Title 92.99 GMT2212 2300 2022-09-02T15:15:33+01:00 2022-09-02T15:15:33+01:00 The Men Who Would Be Kings: The Last Samurai Rebellion Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 15.99

Supplement for the Osprey game 'The Men Who Would Be Kings'. ]]>
Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 15.99 400 2022-09-02T15:15:32+01:00 2022-09-02T15:15:32+01:00 Lion Rampant: Second Edition Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 19.99

An expanded edition of the Origins Award-nominated Lion Rampant, featuring new rules, scenarios, and sample armies.

Take to the battlefield as Richard the Lionheart, Joan of Arc or William Wallace – or forge your own legend – with Lion Rampant: Second Edition. From the Dark Ages to the Hundred Years’ War, raids, skirmishes, and clashes between small retinues were a crucial part of warfare, and these dramatic small-scale battles are at the heart of this easy-to-learn but tactically rewarding wargame.

Lion Rampant: Second Edition is a new, updated version of the hit Osprey Wargames series title, and retains the core gameplay while also incorporating a wealth of new rules and updates from several years’ worth of player feedback and development. Whether they are looking to recreate historical encounters or tell their own stories, the varied scenarios, unit types, and sample retinue lists found in this volume provide everything players need to face each other in quick, exciting, and, above all, fun tabletop battles. 

Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 19.99 601 2022-08-26T11:39:38+01:00 2022-08-26T11:39:38+01:00 Braveheart Solitaire Bookgame War Games Worthington Games

Vendor: Worthington Games
Type: War Games
Price: 26.99

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval publisher_Worthington Games Default Title 26.99 WPUB081 200 2022-06-16T12:42:05+01:00 2022-06-16T12:42:05+01:00 Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 79.99

Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086, is a board wargame about a pair of tumultuous campaigns in the Spanish Reconquista - Leonese King Alfonso VI's advances against the 11th Century's fractious Muslim Taifa states, and the resulting intervention by a fundamentalist African Muslim army seeking to roll the Christians back. It is the second volume in GMT Games' Levy & Campaign Series portraying medieval military operations.

Players will raise and equip their armies and send them out to ravage or conquer disputed territory and defeat enemy forces. Service obligations and alliances will provide a panoply of lords and vassals to serve on campaign but only for limited periods. Players must keep an eye on the calendar and reward lords to keep them in the field.

The sides every 40 days will levy various lords and vassals and their forces, transport, and capabilities, backed by higher political authorities. Each lord is rated for fealty, lordship, service, and command and lays out his forces and assets on a mat. Wooden pieces represent units of knights, mounted sergeants, horse and foot units from North Africa, men-at-arms, light horse, militia, and serfs. Assets include counters for transport such as carts and mule trains; provender to feed the army; and coin to pay for longer service or loot captured by ravaging or conquering enemy regions.

The players then plan and command a campaign for that 40 days with the lords who have mustered. To represent the limits of communications on medieval operations, stacks of command cards commit players to activating lords in a sequence that may or may not meet the needs of the developing situation. Cylinder pieces on the map show the lords’ maneuvers, while markers on a feudal calendar show how much longer the lords will serve, influenced by success or failure in their campaigns. When lords clash in field battle or storming a castle, players array their lords’ mats left, right, center, and reserve and attempt to rout the enemy. Various event and capability cards reveal cultural and technological particulars that influence levy, campaign, and combat.

Almoravid is solitaire friendly, or players can use optional screens to hide what the two players' lords levy.

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval publisher_GMT Default Title 79.99 GMT2113 2500 2022-01-15T10:57:38+00:00 2022-01-15T10:57:38+00:00 The Barons' War: Death & Taxes Miniatures Warhost

Vendor: Warhost
Type: Miniatures
Price: 14.99

The rebellious French forces controlling England are demanding additional funds to support their war effort. As supporters of King John, Wimentun village, having already paid taxes to the English crown, are resisting paying for a second time.  As villages scatter, rushing to squirrel away their last pennies, mail-clad soldiers have already arrived to collect.

Death & Taxes is the first supplement designed for The Barons' War skirmish game. Play your way through the linked scenario-driven campaign, choosing either the forces of the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire or local outlaws sworn to protect the villages.

Further rules are included for developing and running exciting stand-alone seasonal campaigns where individual Commanders strive to be the most chivalrous while battling it out over a campaign map to conquer territory.

This supplement contains 112 pages (plus original cover art by Peter Dennis) which include the Death & Taxes linked campaign, the Outlaw retinue list and rules for running a map-based campaign. ]]>
Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_Warhost range_Rule Books Default Title 14.99 350 2021-05-08T12:53:49+01:00 2021-05-08T12:53:49+01:00 Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 89.00

The Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles game rules allow players to portray important engagements of Japanese history. The battles, included in the scenario booklet, focus on the historical deployment of forces and important terrain features in scale with the game system. The scale of the game is flexible and varies from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent an entire clan of soldiers, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors.

Availability_Sold_out colours command and Colours period_16th to 19th Century period_Medieval publisher_GMT series_Commands & Colors Default Title 89.00 GMT2018 1850 2021-05-06T15:52:50+01:00 2021-05-06T15:52:50+01:00 Rangers of Shadow Deep Creature Card Deck Miniatures Modiphius

Vendor: Modiphius
Type: Miniatures
Price: 14.99

Level up your Rangers of Shadow Deep adventures with 59 creature reference cards, featuring all of the creatures from the Rulebook, Temple of Madness, Blood Moon, Incinerator, Ghost Stone, Across the Waste and Menagerie releases. Each card includes details of the creature's Move, Fight, Shoot, Armour, Will, Health, XP and notes. Also included are 17 blank cards to add your own enemies or to fill in for future releases. Featuring art by Barrett Stanley. 

Requires the Rangers of Shadow Deep Core book

76 Poker Size Playing Cards to give players all the Creature info at hand and room to expand.

Availability_Sold_out period_Fantasy period_Medieval publisher_Modiphius Default Title 14.99 MUH052280 150 2020-08-14T18:18:44+01:00 2020-08-14T18:18:44+01:00 Men of Iron: Infidel, Blood & Roses War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 85.50

Back by popular demand, the first three games in the Men of Iron series: Men of Iron, Infidel, and Blood & Roses. But wait, that’s not all you get, we’re throwing in the Battle of Agincourt from C3i #22.

The game that started it all, Men of Iron, covers the re-emergence of infantry in the early 14th century, along with a more perceptive understanding of the value of combined-arms warfare and the effective use of defensive terrain. The scenarios highlight the key elements that made these battles so fascinating: the defensive power of the longbow, especially when used in coordination with dismounted, or even mounted, men-at-arms. Agincourt  covers Henry V’s famous victory during the Hundred Years War.

The second volume in the  Men of Iron series, Infidel, focuses on the major battles of the early Crusades era between Christians and the Muslims. This is a period that saw cavalry reign supreme and pitted the European mounted, armored men-at-arms - which relied on furious and direct charges with sword and lance - against the Eastern European/Turkish light cavalry tactics - focusing on the efficiency of its mounted archers.

Blood & Roses  focuses on the battles of the Wars of the Roses in England, between 1455 and 1487. This was warfare in which most men were truly "of iron", heavily and totally armored to such a point that their mobility was suspect. It also featured the introduction of gunpowder – mostly field artillery – in noticeable numbers. And while many English men-at-arms were mounted, they did so almost entirely for transport. Most fighting was on foot … and it was quite vicious.

There will be a series rulebook, with a few rules still applying only to a specific game, and the games will have all errata applied to their battle book. The color setups a la Blood & Roses and Arquebus will show up in all battle books. Men of Iron will see some battle changes, a few of which will involve new/changed counters. 

The series is designed for quick learning and easy play. Game rules are short, there are no turns - play is continual, with opportunities to steal play from your opponent - and combat resolution is a single dieroll. Playing time is about 1-to-3 hours per battle.

The series is also for the gamer who enjoys playing solitaire. The system is designed for both individual and face-to-face play without any loss in insight or fun. It allows a player or players to see what happened in these famous battles and why. There are no purpose-built solitaire rules, but many players play that way.

The units feature longbows, crossbows, men-at-arms (mounted, dismounted, and unhorsed), hobilars, genitors, nasty Scots with axes, slingers, pike infantry, knights, heavy cavalry, medium cavalry, light cavalry archers, archers, camp followers, handgunners, and artillery! And the commanders! The great English King, Edward III and his son, The Black Prince, William Wallace and The Bruce, Captal de Buch.  Crusaders Stephen of Blois, Bohemond of Taranto, Raymond of Toulouse, Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy, the leper King Baldwin IV, Raynald of Chatillon, and King Richard I. Saracen leaders Kilij Arslan, Kerbogha, Atabeg of Mosul,  Fatimid Vizier al-Afdal Shahanshah, Soqman the Artukid of Diyar-Bakr and Aleppo, and Saladin. King Henry VI, Richard, Duke of York, King Edward IV, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, King Richard III, and Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond (and founder of the Tudor dynasty).

The battles included in the Men of Iron tri-pack are: 

  • Dorylaeum – Northwest Anatolia, 1 July 1097 - The Crusader line of march, including the people’s Crusade and Peter the hermit, as well as all the great 1st Crusade Leaders, are “ambushed” by Kilij Arslan and his crack Seljuk cavalry.   
  • Antioch – Northern Syrian, 28 June 1098 - The exhausted, starving and depleted Crusaders – they had few horses left – have just taken Antioch and are now faced with a large Turkish army, under Kerbogha, sent to retake the city.   
  • Ascalon – Southern Palestine, 12 August 1099 - The Crusaders, having seized Jerusalem, turn south to fend off the suddenly active large army of the Fatimids, with their crack Mamluk heavy cavalry.   
  • Harran – Crusader Kingdom of Antioch/Edessa, 7 May 1104 - Baldwin II of Edessa seeks to maintain control of his little kingdom in northern Syria, something Soqman, Atabeg of Damascus, is not happy to allow. One of the first major Crusader defeats.   
  • Montgisard – Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem, 25 November 1177 - Saladin attempts to destroy a small army from the Kingdom of Jerusalem with an army more than five times its size. Though there are only 400 knights, the Crusaders are led by the remarkable Baldwin IV, The Leper King. The outcome - one of the greatest Crusader victories. See if you can carry off this stunning upset!   
  • Arsuf - Ayyubid Kingdom of Jerusalem, 7 September 1191 - The classic battle between Richard I Lionheart and the Ayyubid Army of Saladin highlighting the major facets of each army in an unusual moving battle.
  • Falkirk - Scotland, 22 July 1298 - Wallace's great disaster, despite his massive schiltron. Good infantry is fine, but it needs support. The ultimate solitaire scenario. 
  • Courtrai - Flanders, 11 July 1302 - The Battle of the Golden Spurs. The Flemish shook the elite French army with one of the earliest displays of the power of solid infantry using defensive positions. 
  • Bannockburn - Scotland, 23-24 June 1314 - Robert the Bruce's famous triumph over a numerically superior, but literally bogged down English army. 
  • Crecy - France, 26 August 1346 - The first great battle of the Hundred Years War. It showed that infantry, supported by archers, could defeat the best knights in Europe. 
  • Poitiers - France, 19 September 1356 - The French fight dismounted this time and almost win. But the longbow, and solid English infantry prevail again. 
  • Najera - Castile, 3 April 1367 - The Black Prince goes to Spain with a marvelous combined arms force to further English plans of "expansion". 
  • Agincourt – Artois, 25 October 1415 – Henry V wins a mighty victory against the flower of French chivalry. 
  • 1st St. Albans – Herefordshire, 22 May 1455 - Marks the first major engagement in the Wars of the Roses. Richard, Duke of York and his ally, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, defeated the Lancastrians under Edmund, Duke of Somerset, who was killed during the battle. York also captured Henry VI and forced Henry to appoint him Constable of England  
  • Blore Heath – Staffordshire, 23 September 1459 - Greatly outnumbered Yorkist infantry used the longbow and a defensive position to drive off the Lancastrian Men-at-Arms. 
  • 2nd St. Albans – Herefordshire, 17 February 1461 - The Lancastrians drove the Yorkists out of the town and then destroyed Warwick’s strangely deployed army, even when sturdily defended by hedges, caltrops and spiked netting. 
  • Towton – Yorkshire, 29 March 1461 - Easily biggest battle in the box and the biggest in the entire series. It uses over 200 combat units and, much like the actual battle, will probably take a long time to play. It is mostly crash and bash, with little room for maneuver, all fought in a blinding snowstorm!!  
  • Barnet – Greater Wien Area, 14 April 1471 - A classic battle of planned deployments, but overlapping wings, cries of treason in the lines, fog of war (actual fog), and the excellent use of reserves. 
  • Tewksbury – Gloucestershire, 4 May 1471 - A battle that shows one of the key terrain features of the battles in this era, extensive hedges and thick underbrush in otherwise clear fields. 
  • Bosworth  Leicestershire, 22 August 1485 - The best-known battle of the wars and the tragic (I think) death of King Richard III in a battle he should have won. Using the latest information as to where the battle took place, let’s see if you can cancel out the Tudor dynasty.


Men of Iron Series Designed by Richard Berg.

Men of Iron originally developed by Jack Polonka. 

Agincourt rules originally edited by Mike Lemick. 

InfidelBlood & Roses, and The Men of Iron Tri-Pack developed by Ralph Shelton.

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval publisher_GMT weightXestimated Default Title 85.50 GMT1921 2001 2019-12-11T16:25:14+00:00 2019-12-11T16:25:14+00:00 Nevsky War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 69.99

Nevsky: Teutons and Rus in Collision, 1240-1242 is a board wargame about the storied clash between Latin Teutonic and Orthodox Russian powers along the Baltic frontier of the mid-13th-Century. It is the first volume in GMT Games’ Levy & Campaign Series portraying military operations in a variety of pre-industrial conflicts. In Nevsky, players raise and equip their armies, then provision and maneuver them to ravage or conquer enemy territory or defeat enemy forces in battle. Feudal politics obligate an array of lords and vassals to serve on campaign—but only for limited periods. Players must keep an eye on the calendar and reward lords to keep their armies in the field.

Nevsky is solitaire friendly or can add a rules option with screens that hide what the two players’ lords levy. A second option adds detail regarding vassal forces’ terms of service.

In Nevsky, two players take the roles of “Russians” and “Teutons”, respectively. The Russians represent the wealthy city-state of Novgorod and its allies. The Teutons comprise German and Danish landholders—including the Teutonic Order—expanding a Baltic dominion.

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval players_Solitaire players_Two publisher_GMT Default Title 69.99 GMT1908 2000 2019-12-11T16:24:57+00:00 2019-12-11T16:24:57+00:00 Rangers of Shadow Deep Standard Edition Core Book + complimentary PDF Miniatures Modiphius

Vendor: Modiphius
Type: Miniatures
Price: 36.99

This new Rangers of Shadow Deep book is a brand new retail edition, with a matt laminate cover and updates to the core rules, making it the most definitive version of the game to date.

A kingdom stands on the brink of destruction, as the vast realm called the Shadow Deep slowly swallows everything in its path. As the army fights to contain the tide of evil creatures teeming up out of the black clouds, the kingdom’s best soldiers, the rangers, must venture down into the shadows to gather information, rescue prisoners, and ambush enemy supply lines. It is a desperate fight against overwhelming odds, but every little victory brings another day of hope.

- Brand new layout with a dozen new pieces of art from Barrett Stanley

- Solo and co-operative tabletop miniatures game from the creator of Frostrgrave and Ghost Archipelago Joseph A. McCullough

- Create your ranger, gather companions, and play through a series of missions in a fight to hold back the darkness. 

- Survive and you will grow in power and ability, and be sent on more difficult, dangerous and intricate assignments. 

- Includes updated core rules combined with character-building elements first presented in Temple of Madness. 

- New ‘Challenge Levels’ for all the scenarios can be used when playing with 3 or 4 rangers to ramp up the difficulty, or if you want to replay the scenario with a higher-level Ranger. 

This book contains the rules only, requires a couple of twenty-sided dice, a deck of standard playing cards, inch ruler and miniatures to play!

Availability_Sold_out period_Fantasy period_Medieval publisher_Modiphius range_Rule Books Default Title 36.99 MUH052042 800 2019-06-21T16:25:48+01:00 2019-06-21T16:25:48+01:00 Commands & Colors Medieval War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 89.99

Commands & Colors: Medieval is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system and by design is not overly complex. The Medieval game introduces many new game concepts to the Commands & Colors system, which add historical depth and flavor. Some of the new concepts are:

  • Superior armor and status when battling

  • Cavalry units increase to 4 blocks

  • Heavy infantry battle dice are reduced from 5 dice down to 4

  • Light Bow Cavalry units can employ the Parthian Shot when they evade

Still, some Commands & Colors game mechanics remain familiar to players of other games in the system, like the deck of Medieval Command cards that drive movement while creating a “fog of war,” and the battle dice that will resolve combat quickly and efficiently. The stylized battlefield scenario maps emphasize the important terrain features and highlight the historical deployment of forces in scale with the game system. The scale of the game is flexible, and varies from battle to battle. For some scenarios, a unit may represent a Chiliarchy of soldiers, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors. The battlefield tactics, however, that you will need to execute to gain victory conform remarkably well to the strengths and limitations of the various medieval unit types, their weapons, the terrain, and history.

The medieval battles showcased in the scenario book focus on the historical confrontations between the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persians (530 to 627 AD) with a slight detour to battle the Moors and their rebel allies (645 - 648 AD). The Byzantine Empire during this period of medieval history was one of constant transition and reorganization. Its army tended to mirror its eastern adversaries by deploying an increasing number of armored cavalry formations (Cataphracts) and more missile troops. Yet, it was how the Byzantines adapted their battlefield tactics in relation to the enemy it faced that is perhaps the chief reason for the longevity of their Empire.

Although the Byzantine army fought on other frontiers, against a multitude of opponents, Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Franks, Alemanni, those conflicts are beyond the scope and space of this one package. Additional expansion modules that address those battles will be forthcoming.

I truly believe the Commands & Colors: Medieval game will provide even the most veteran Commands & Colors players many new challenges and experiences.

Availability_Available period_Medieval players_Two publisher_GMT series_Commands & Colors weightXestimated Default Title 89.99 GMT1901 2001 2019-03-13T13:42:17+00:00 2019-03-13T13:42:17+00:00 Impetus 2nd Edition Miniatures Impetus

Vendor: Impetus
Type: Miniatures
Price: 27.99

Impetus, now on its second edition, is an innovative set of wargame rules that aims to simulate battles with miniature figures in the Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance periods. The extremely flexible system allows you to recreate over 3,000 years of history, from Ancient Sumeria to the Great Italian Wars. 

Impetus can be played with 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm (1/72) and 25/28mm scale miniatures, and you won't even need to re-base your armies. 

The manual doesn't include army lists but it works with the lists published in the Extra Impetus supplements until the release of new supplements  ]]>
Availability_Available period_Ancients period_Medieval period_Renaissance publisher_Impetus range_Rule Books Default Title 27.99 350 2018-11-23T16:00:47+00:00 2018-11-23T16:00:47+00:00 1066 Tears to Many Mothers War Games Hall or Nothing

Vendor: Hall or Nothing
Type: War Games
Price: 34.99

For 1-2 players, ages 12+, playing time around 30-60 minutes.

Recreate the infamous Battle of Hastings!

A promise has been broken, an evil omen is in the sky, a crown is at stake, and history is about to be made...

1066, Tears to Many Mothers is an asymmetric, competitive, tactical card game in the style of Magic the Gathering, but non-collectable. Each player, as either Normans or Saxons, musters troops and resources to overcome the various obstacles in their way before the two armies clash on the battlefield at Hastings.

Every card in the game is inspired by a real person or event from the time. With a focus on quick, tactical play and a thematic re-imagining of the events of the time, there is no deck building required, each player simply grabs their deck and shuffles, then play begins.

Honours: 1066, Tears to Many Mothers was a runner up in the Golden Geek Awards, and was nominated in the Origins Awards for 'Best Historical Board Game'.

Note on title: In April of 1066 Halley's Comet was in its perihelion orbit and writers at the time said it was four times the size of Venus and shining with a light equal to a quarter of that of the Moon. Many thought it was an evil omen, or even the end of the world - the monk Eilmer of Malmesbury Abbey wrote about the event: "You've come, have you? – You've come, you source of tears to many mothers. It is long since I saw you; but as I see you now you are much more terrible, for I see you brandishing the downfall of my country."

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval players_Solitaire players_Two Default Title 34.99 HALHON10661ST18 1100 2018-04-21T10:32:27+01:00 2018-04-21T10:32:27+01:00 Outremer: Faith and Blood Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 11.99

Outremer: Faith and Blood is a 28mm skirmish wargame featuring small groups of warriors fighting in Outremer during the Crusades. While suitable for one-off skirmish encounters the focus of the game is a structured and progressive campaign setting in which they are able to watch their force grow and develop over a series of scenarios and encounters from a small party of five or so soldiers into a powerful warband a score strong. Character development is key, and a wide range of troop options and factions allows a high degree of individuality and personalisation. Players will also be able to recruit mercenaries and agents such as Hashashin and Varangian survivors to bolster their forces - potent but expensive additions that will add a distinct flavour to each encounter. ]]>
Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 11.99 301 2018-01-27T15:07:27+00:00 2018-01-27T15:07:27+00:00 Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain (COIN series) War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 83.99

"At that time all members of the assembly, along with the proud tyrant, are blinded; such is the protection they find for their country (it was, in fact, its destruction) that those wild Saxons, of accursed name, hated by God and men, should be admitted into the island, like wolves into the folds, in order to repel the northern nations. Nothing more hurtful, certainly, nothing more bitter, happened to the island than this [...]"

Gildas (De Excidio Britanniae, Part I.23)

So wrote the 6th Century AD British monk Gildas in his pamphlet De Excidio Britanniae (“On the Ruin of Britain”) about what had befallen the Romano-British lands. This crucial period in history saw the end of the Roman Empire in Britain and the seeds of the modern nations of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Brittany. Most of us know next to nothing about this period, but we know of its legends – from King Arthur and his knights, through Merlin, Vortigern and Hengest, Badon Hill and the Isle of Avalon, to St. Patrick and Niall of the Nine Hostages…

“For the fire of righteous vengeance, caused by former crimes, blazed from sea to sea, heaped up by the eastern band of impious men; and as it devastated all the neighboring cities and lands, did not cease after it had been kindled, until it burnt nearly the whole surface of the island, and licked the western ocean with its red and savage tongue. […]”
Gildas (De Excidio Britanniae, Part I.24)

Volume VIII in GMT’s COIN Series transports us into the 4th and 5th Centuries A.D. and to the embattled Isle of Britannia. Pendragon – The Fall of Roman Britain covers a century of history from the first large-scale raids of Irish, Pict, and Saxon raiders, to the establishment of successor kingdoms, both Celtic and Germanic. This sumptuous volume adapts the celebrated asymmetrical COIN engine to depict the political, military, religious, and economic struggles of Dark Ages Britain.

Shrouded in mists of myth and legend, this story so foundational to many national groups has been subject to many different narratives and interpretations. The traditional Victorian vision of brutal and violent conquest of Roman and Celtic Britain by Anglo-Saxon raiders and invaders now collides with modern historical views ranging from continuity of tribal rivalries to quasi-peaceful cohabitation and acculturation.

Pendragon leverages the tremendous flexibility of the COIN system, from dual events to dissimilar approaches and victory conditions, to capture the complexity of the period and let the players explore alternative narratives. Unlike earlier volumes, Pendragon is not about counterinsurgency per se, but focuses on the asymmetrical clashes between and among Romano-British authorities and Barbarian powers gnashing over the carcass of the Roman Empire, including:

Barbarian Raiders plundering the land and trying to surprise unwary towns and hillforts, then melting into hills or fens.
Expansion or decline of the Saxon Shore naval defense system to counter sea-borne raiders.
Authentic Late-Roman military doctrine—mighty but hard-to-replace cavalry tracking down raiding parties before they can return their booty home.
Accessible, powerful but fickle Foederati: barbarian warbands in Briton employ.
Nuanced battle system representing troop qualities and tactics.
Fortified strongholds that must be assaulted, besieged, or rebuilt to gain regional political control.
Civil wars, coups, religious shifts, and cultural assimilation.
Population movements over the generations, due to good administration, barbarian ravages, or climatic changes.
Epochal Events ranging from Roman usurpations on the continent to massive reprisals against barbarian homelands.
Evolution of rules and victory conditions throughout the game, as the still vivacious Roman Empire may or may not end with Britain fragmented among competing semi-barbarian proto-kingdoms.
A deck of 83 cards with gorgeous commissioned original art.
Short, medium, and full-length scenarios
Support for solitaire, 2-player, 3-player and 4-player experiences.

“They, moved, as far as was possible for human nature, by the tale of such a tragedy, make speed, like the flight of eagles, unexpected in quick movements of cavalry on land and of mariners by sea; before long they plunge their terrible swords in the necks of the enemies; the massacre they inflict is to be compared to the fall of leaves at the fixed time, just like a mountain torrent, swollen by numerous streams after storms, sweeps over its bed in its noisy course; […]”
Gildas (De Excidio Britanniae, Part I.17)

Each faction in Pendragon brings specific capabilities and challenges:

The Dux represent the original Roman Army in Britannia: with the most powerful units in the game and a network of strong fortresses ringing the island and tied by efficient roads, you must strive to preserve the stability and prosperity of the provinces and punish any interloper daring to challenge the peace. If you can build up your prestige and maintain order, you may be able to keep the island in the Empire, or at least united in a new post-Roman power. You can rely on the civilian militia to assist you, but—as your peerless cavalry dwindles—you must resort to the traditional Roman offer to barbarians of land for service in your forces as Foederati. As the decay of institutions conspires with the scheming of feckless civilians and the marauding of restless barbarians, you may find that the dream of Empire is dead. If so, with your once proud Army little more than another group of warlords, you still can strive to carve for yourself the most powerful kingdom alongside your new rivals.

The Civitates represent the Romanized aristocracy ruling the ancient Celtic tribes from lavish villas and prosperous Roman towns, chafing under the distant authority (and taxes) of Rome, mistrusting the uncultured and semi-Barbarian army, and yearning to settle century-old accounts with their neighbors. When the Barbarian storm comes down upon your island, you may find yourself woefully unprepared to cope—materially or culturally—and presented with a fundamental choice: strive to protect your lands, wealth, and way of life via the despised Army and untrustworthy Foederati, or sacrifice Roman comforts to face down the Barbarian challenge militarily and culturally through a return to Celtic traditions.

The Saxons represent various Germanic groups including Angles, Jutes, Frisians, and Franks who harried, settled, and eventually took over swaths of Britain. As outsiders, you face a steep challenge just to come ashore against the might of the Roman army and navy. You will chip away at the Saxon Shore system, ravage the provincial economy to weaken the Britons’ capability to wage war, and see some of your best warriors serve as Foederati (often against yourself), but recognize that the more Saxons living on the island—whoever their paymaster—the more opportunities for advancing your nation. Eventually, you must secure footholds, perhaps in the marshy fens of the eastern seaboard that so resemble your homelands, in order to wield your considerable military potential and challenge the old masters of these rich lands to create England.

The Scotti, named for the marauding groups of Irish raiders, also represent those Celts native to the island of Britain who differed from the romanized Civitates by remaining true (or reverting back) to the old ways. Often, the boundary between the two groups was porous... The biggest such group eventually formed the northern nation of the Picts, forebears of modern Scotland. As the Scotti, you see the disintegration of Roman Britain as an opportunity not so much to expand as to seize riches and renown to assert yourself at home. Raid ceaselessly, surprise and plunder poorly protected communities, kidnap for ransom, and show your military prowess against your unfortunate neighbors across the Irish Sea and Forth-Clyde isthmus… Then establish bases strategically along the enemy shores and entreat local hill tribes to reject post-Roman authority. But beware that your very advances will help give rise and limit your ability to grapple new powerhouses on the island!

"Kings were anointed, not in the name of God, but such as surpassed others in cruelty, and shortly afterwards were put to death by the men who anointed them, without any enquiry as to truth, because others more cruel had been elected. If, however, any one among them appeared to be of a milder disposition, and to some extent more attached to truth, against him were turned without respect the hatred and darts of all, as if he were the subverter of Britain;[...]"

Gildas (De Excidio Britanniae, Part I.21)

So as Britain, the Island of the Mighty, is engulfed in the din of swords and spears and the acrid smoke of burning thatch, will you join the packs of wolves who feast on the once proud Empire, or will you rally the Dragon standards of the Pen Ddraig, the Chief Dragon, lord of battles of the Britons, to try to preserve your people’s lands and wealth?

A 22” x 34” mounted game board
A deck of 83 playing cards
Over 300 red, dark blue, light blue, black, green, and gold wooden playing pieces
6 gray and 6 white wooden pawns
4 foldout Faction player aid sheets
2 foldout Non-player faction aid sheets
2 Sequence of Play and Battle aid sheets
A sheet of markers
4 6-sided dice and 3 4-sided dice

Players: 1-4 (includes full solitaire system)

Map: Area Movement

Timescale: about 15 years per campaign between Epoch cards

Designer: Marc Gouyon-Rety

For an in-depth interview with the designer Marc Gouyon-Rety visit:

Developer and Series Creator: Volko Ruhnke

Availability_Sold_out period_Medieval players_Solitaire publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 83.99 GMT1720 2400 2017-05-31T15:45:17+01:00 2017-05-31T15:45:17+01:00 Saga: The Crescent & The Cross Miniatures Studio Tomahawk

Vendor: Studio Tomahawk
Type: Miniatures
Price: 29.99

Contains full SAGA rules, details and rules for six new factions from the Age of The Crusades, new rules for Dogs of War units & Priests plus new scenarios. ]]>
Availability_Available period_Medieval publisher_Studio Tomahawk range_Rule Books Default Title 29.99 801 2017-01-28T10:33:00+00:00 2017-01-28T10:33:00+00:00 Basic Impetus 2.0 Miniatures Impetus

Vendor: Impetus
Type: Miniatures
Price: 24.99

Ten years after the release of the first edition, we are pleased to present Basic Impetus 2.0, a flexible, innovative and fast play system provided with 340 army lists ranging from Sumerian to Renaissance.

Availability_Sold_out period_Ancients period_Medieval publisher_Impetus Default Title 24.99 320 2017-01-14T09:31:00+00:00 2017-01-14T09:31:00+00:00 Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (4th printing) War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 79.99

 The battle of Sekigahara, fought in 1600 at a crossroads in Japan, unified that nation under the Tokugawa family for more than 250 years.

Sekigahara allows you to re-contest that war as Ishida Mitsunari, defender of a child heir, or Tokugawa Ieyasu, Japan's most powerful daimyo (feudal lord).

The campaign lasted only 7 weeks, during which each side improvised an army and a strategy with what forces their allies could provide. Each leader harbored deep doubts as to the loyalty of his units - for good reason. Several daimyo refused to fight; some even turned sides in the midst of battle.

To conquer Japan you must do more than field an army - you must be sure it will follow you into combat. Cultivate the loyalty of your allies and deploy them only when you are confident of their allegiance. Win a battle by gaining a defection from the ranks of your opponent.


  • Mounted Map
  • 119 wooden pieces
  • 1 and 1/2 sticker sheets
  • 110 cards
  • Rulebook
  • Two player aid cards
Availability_Available period_Medieval players_Two publisher_GMT SU&SD Default Title 79.99 2100 2016-09-30T18:10:00+01:00 2016-09-30T18:10:00+01:00 Folio Series: Acre - The Third Crusade Opens War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 25.00

The Third Crusade Opens

It was the destruction of the Crusader army by Saladin at Hattin in 1187 that had led to the collapse of the Crusader kingdoms in the Levant, including the loss of Jerusalem. Guy of Lusignan, the erstwhile ruler of the city, appealed to the Europeans for aid, which soon arrived. But without waiting for the three main Crusader armies — led by King Philip of France, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, and Richard I of England ­— Guy set out to capture Acre on the Levantine coast. His first assault was repulsed and Guy settled in for a siege. Meanwhile, Saladin gathered a portion of his army and rode in to lift the siege. After preliminary skirmishing, the opposing armies met east of the city on 4 October.

Acre uses the new Battles of the Medieval World system, a variation on the venerable Battles of the Ancient World system. The battle is dominated by masses of heavy cavalry and disciplined lines of heavily-armed and armored men-at-arms. Swirling around these forces are masses of foot- and horse-archers, whose purpose is to disrupt the heavy formations and make them easy prey for their counterparts. Using the classic Combat Results Table, the fighting is close and bloody until the morale of one side weakens. Once a line breaks, the victor must pursue ruthlessly to prevent a rally. Leaders enhance combat power and restore broken formations.

At Acre, the Crusaders have more combat power, but must maintain a long line to protect their siege works. The Arabs are quick but light, and must find a way to isolate portions of the Crusader army and defeat it in detail. Victory will go to the player who deploys his army to best utilize his strengths and take advantage of enemy weaknesses.

Game Contents:
• 17 x 22” map
• 100 die-cut counters
• One Standard Rules booklet for this series
• One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title ]]>
Availability_Available period_Medieval players_Two publisher_Decision Games weightXestimated Default Title 25.00 DCG1619 401